Sunday, February 26, 2012

Parent's dinner Part.2

I've got a few more photos from friday, all from the weaving class room.

Rósabönd to the left and Hringjavaðmál to the right.

Tvöföld Rósabönd.
The green and brown one is mine.

Adorable baby blankets.
The last thing i wove in this class, the green and purple blanket.

Værðarvoð or just Cozy Blankets.
Mine, of course is purple and brown.

Stunning hand made scarves.
There is my favorite blanket.
I call it Skráka teppi or Bjoys blanket.

And I wanted to show you my Kransakaka.
I won't take all the credit though.
We we're two making this.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Parent's dinner Part.1

Last night, at my school there was a dinner party. We, the girls from the kitchen group prepared lots of great food for our parent's and friends. I invited my mother-in-law and my grandmother-in-law.
My group. I'm the teeny tiny one.
After the dinner, we went upstairs to look at all the things the student's had made the first 7 weeks of school.
Linen for cribs. Mine is in front. My Dream Palace.
Crazy Quilt.
Yes. I like purple.
Hand-Felted scarves.
Mine is the beige one with the blues.

Baby hat, mittens and socks.
I made the purple set up front.
Felted scarves and lopi-shoes.

Tons of classic wool socks.
This is enough for today.
I have lots of more pictures from last night that will go in part 2.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Star Wars, knitting & crocheting.

Last night I was knitting and watching Star Wars episode II : Attack Of The Clones. And of course the knitter I am, I wanted to check out some Star Wars knitting and crocheting.

Yoda is high on my list on things to do when I learn to crochet.

And another thought on Star Wars, I seriously want to get into Padme's closet! I absolutely love her wardrobe.


Most beautiful wedding dress I've ever seen.


Saturday, February 18, 2012


From now on this blog will be in english.

So, if there's anyone new looking at my pretty little blog, here's a recap.
I'm currently studying at Hússtjórnarskólinn, my best translation would be the "Housewife's School". At this school I'm learning all kinds of useful things, such as cooking and baking, knitting is a subject (although I'm not learning that much, just enjoying knitting), embroidery and sewing, weaving on a loom and soon I'll be learning how to crochet as well. Oh and of course cleaning, all upcoming housewives know that "a clean home is a happy home".

This is the lopi-sweater I'm knitting in school. 

My wool childrens blanket on the loom. There is another one underneeth mine.

The blankets I've made. The brown and purple one is the first one I did.

Hope you like my little cutsie blog.
(i really like the changes)
