Þriðji listinn var erfiður, ég var með hann í gangi í nokkra daga. Sá listi átti að vera það sem ég er stolt af... held að allir þekkji það að gefa sjálfum sér ekki klapp á bakið og þegar maður á að segja hvaða kosti maður hefur verður maður kjaftstopp. En þetta kom á endanum, og ég held bara að ég hafi haft gott af því að spá í þessu.
The list for week three was though. I think most of us know that we often do not appreciate us as much as we should, we should all start saying "Good job" to ourselves more often.
I saw as I looked through the lists linked up to Mooreas list that many of you had a hard time to. But after several days I got a list together.
Listi fjórðu viku var mikið auðveldari, "núverandi og framtíðar markmið og draumar". Hefði getað haldið endalaust áfram með þennan lista. Gott að láta sig dreyma...
Fourth week's list was easy as pie. List my goals and dreams, I have a bunch, wrote this one down in a minute. Could have gone on forever. One goal is in Icelandic, it's about finishing the school I am in right now, don't know what this kind of school would be called in English but it it pretty important to finish this in Iceland.
Oh and I hope my grammar is acceptable.
Keep in mind English is not my native language.